Monday, August 26, 2013

PT Day 1

Serious Potty Training...Day 1

After seeing a pin on Pinterest last night, I decided that today was the day to start some serious potty training with Adelyn. She'll be 2 in 2 weeks. It seems like most folks wait until their kids are 3 or even 4 to potty train, no idea why. Well actually I do know why. It's hard and not fun, you really should plan on staying home, you must be prepared for messes and meltdowns (from you and the kids) and it just takes time. And let's face it, time is something that people just don't have these days. Lucky for me, I'm a SAHM so I have all the time in the world for potty training (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice, hehe!).

So after breakfast I moved the potty from A's bathroom to the hall bath. We've talked about the potty and she has sat on it a lot. She's even gone on it a few times. We put a pull-up on and seriously like 2 minutes later she went, IN THE PULL-UP. So we sat on the potty for 5 min. Nothing. So out came another pull-up. 5 minutes later, she went, IN THE PULL-UP AGAIN. This happened 2 more times. After a chat with my mother I took the potty and my naked child outside. She ran around, chased the dogs, ate sand, rolled on the grass, colored with her chalk and finally started to pee pee. I scooped her up and put her on the potty. She finished going and the potty sang to her (don't ask). This happened 3 more times! She didn't start on the potty but she realized what she was doing and finished on the potty. After lunch and right before nap time she sat down one more time and wen potty; start to finish. She cheered and I cheered. We'll see how things go after nap time.

So anyone out there potty training? How's it going tor you? Any secrets you want to share?